Sunday, January 6, 2008


The area has made it through two storms without any major debris flows or mud slides, with one storm that will hit either late tonight or early tomorrow.
Below is Sheriff’s Sgt. Sean Gerrity’s update this morning on the situation:
“We made it through yesterday without any debris flows, without the need to close Highway 76 (although we had some ‘close calls’ based upon very significant rain activity at times). This morning, between 4:30 a.m. and 6:30 a.m., we again had significant rain activity on Birch Hill [on Palomar Mountain], which raised some concern.
“As of this time, there hasn't been any known significant debris flow activity, though it is always possible there was some deeper inside the inaccessible portions of watersheds on the south face of Palomar Mountain.
“There have been some instances of relatively minor roadway rock and soil debris typical of heavy rains around here. CalTrans has, around the clock, been closely monitoring and patrolling the culverts and creeks along Highway 76, with equipment ‘ready to go’ in the event a debris flow either breached Highway 76 or clogged one of the many culverts/creeks intersecting with Highway 76. The County's Department of Public Works - Road Department has been doing the same for other areas.
“ After this morning's more significant rain event, it is my guess that Highway 76 will remain open throughout the day, and hopefully through the final significant portion of this storm expected to arrive late tonight or early tomorrow morning.
“Of course, as we've already discovered, predictions versus actual occurrences that happen with weather don't always match up. We've already had significantly more precipitation activity locally than what was predicted as of last Friday.
“Below are statistics from our very own local range gauges which the County has been monitoring closely throughout the weekend. These statistics are as of 5:30 AM this morning:
Birch Hill (Palomar Mountain): 12.5" storm total, 1.65" in the last three hours, 0.75" in the last hour (before 5:30 AM)
Palomar Observatory: 6.25" storm total
La Jolla Amago: 2.75" storm total, 0.39" last three hours (before 5;30 AM)
Rincon Springs: 1.33" storm total
Cole Grade Road: 1.18" storm total
Oak Flats: 3.5" storm total
(The Oak Flats gauge is about 1/4 mile east of northern Pala Temecula Road, on the ridgeline west of the Poomacha Fire burn area, at an elevation of 3,068 feet).

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