Friday, November 30, 2007


Several roads have been closed due to flooding this afternoon and evening. We had some reports earlier today of evacuations off of La Jolla Indian Reservation and Cuca Ranch area, but were unable to confirm one and pretty much discounted the other.

I talked to a man who lives on Cuca Ranch. He said there was some erosion but no evacuation. La Jolla Indian Reservation tribal authorities are pretty much impossible to get ahold of these days so I couldn't confirm any evacuations there.

However, the County Office of Emergency Services told me that while there had been some advisories issued for areas originally burned by the Witch Fire (i.e. Via De La Valle and San Pasqual Valley) that there were no such advisories listed for Hwy 76.

But then I learned later that Hwy 76 was being closed off at several points, including Valley Center Road (near Gilberto's), Harolds Road and way over to Hwy 79 & Hwy 76 at Lake Henshaw.

I also received a pretty reliable report that a boulder "the size of a Volkswagen" was blocking the road on S6. I can personally attest to boulders the size of basketballs and toasters this morning, but no Volkswagens. It's funny, but you never hear any reports of boulders the size of Hummers or Cadillacs! So, all of these things are keeping me off the mountain this evening, and probably a few dozen or hundred other folks.

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