Thursday, October 25, 2007


Joel Mendenhall and Jenna just came down to Henshaw from the Mountain and here is his report (as with all second hand reports, I can't personally vouch for this info):

"The fire burning up the South side of the mountain is looking really good. The East back-fired all the way down to and including Dyche Valley. The fire burning up towards the Christian Conference Center and toward French Valley is probably our biggest threat now.

We're sorry that some homes were burned on the South Grade and the down hill side of East Grade. However, the back fires that were set on East Grade probably are saving all of Crestline and Birch Hill.

Baileys and all of Canfield Road haven't burned."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

just spoke to Sheriffs office and was told we could return to our home off of VC road (2:30)