Tuesday, October 23, 2007


I've been getting this particular question a lot, about specific locations in Valley Center. Well, since there is only one place in town where there has been fire, that means by definition that any other places in Valley Center are OK, for the moment. So, while there have been flames at the east end of town, where the middle school and Valley View casino are, all other parts of town are untouched, except for the thick haze. We'll update with new news as we get it.


Anonymous said...

The Hickey's here again, from Chicago. Our thoughts are with our Valley Center friends and our family in Fallbrook! Thanks, David, for all the information. As you can imagine, we don't get Valley Center information on the national news.

Ryan said...

thankyou for this info, I have not evacuated yet, I live very close to the VCHS evacuation site, are people still going there or has that evac site closed?

Chris Scott said...

My family (my wife, 15-month old daugher and myself) anxiously awaited news of when to evacuate on Monday night. On Tuesday morning, we got word to leave Valley Center and have come to my parents house in Vista.

We just wanted to thank the editor of this blog (and the Road Runner!) for providing us with up-to-date information on our community. So little of the news on tv is reporting on the situation in VC; and, the information reported here is the first news we've gotten that has been detailed enought about VC to give us an idea on what is going on. Thank you.

Roland said...

Does anyone know whether there is a mandatory evaculation from the Woods Valley Golf Course Community?

Roland said...

Does anyone know whether the Woods Valley Golf Course Community has a mandatory evacuation or is it safe to return there?


Anonymous said...

VCHS is still open at this time, they're in the middle of dinner and are provide updates by fire chiefs every few hours. you can go to the gym.
however, red cross wants to shut it down because of concerns, although it is in no danger right now...

Anonymous said...

We were at VCHS early this AM but made it to our daughter's in LA. Wanted to commend the principal and staff and volunteers there---super job!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, for giving the most valuable information about our Valley Center community. My kids and I evacuated this afternoon, not because I felt unsafe but because of the poor air quality. Thanks to your information I can rest assured tonight that my home is still standing, for now anyhow. God willing, our beloved Valley Center community will remain blessed, relatively untouched by the fires that is.

Anonymous said...

10-23-2007, 09:37 PM
Registered User Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 44

Re: Valley Center


as far as i can tell, the town of valley center is free of fire at this moment. i am not sure of whats happening down in pauma valley or pala. i know that palomar mountian is on fire.

Anonymous said...

ALL of VC is currently under a mandatory evacuation.