Monday, July 18, 2011

Donations needed

Sherry Bumgardner needs donations so that she can captain her team for the third year in a row to raise funds to fight and help find the cure for breast cancer.
She told The Roadrunner: “I am asking everyone I know to help me reach my goal this year. I don’t know of anyone who hasn’t had this horrible disease touch their lives in some way. I take personal pride in my annual involvement in such a wonderful event to do just that. I pray that we can stop the next victim from having to go through what my mom, my best friend Kymberli, and my business colleague Jacki, have had to endure, as well as the thousands of others affected by this, as we speak.”
To donate call her at 760-749-4599, or send donations to POB 2213, Valley Center, CA 92082. Make checks payable to Susan G. Komen and put Survivor Crop/Sherry Bumgardner, in the memo. All donations are tax-deductible and greatly appreciated.
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