Monday, May 2, 2011


The VC Planning Group will have a special joint meeting with its General Plan Update and Mobility Subcommittees this Thursday. The agenda is below:

Valley Center Community Planning Group
General Plan Update and Mobility Subcommittees
Joint (Triple) Meeting Notice and Agenda
28246 Lilac Road, Valley Center 92082

May 12, 2011; 6:00 PM; Community Hall, Room 5

1. Call to order and attendance: (for VCCPG) Oliver Smith, Ann Quinley, Deb Hofler, Mark Jackson, LaVonne Norwood-Johnson (for GPU) Rich Rudolf, Lael Montgomery, Andy Washburn, Dave Anderson, Brian Bachman, Hans Britsch, Bob Davis, Michael Karp, and Dennis Sullivan; (for Mobility) Bob Davis, Larry Glavinic, Sandy Smith, Anne Geinzer, Jon Vick, Christine Lewis, Steve Hutchison, Eileen Elmore.

2. Approval of GPU/Mobility Joint Meeting 12/9/10 and GPU 1/20/11 Meeting Minutes

3. DPLU Staff and Consultant presentation and request for community input on the feasibility and priority of community evacuation routes evaluated based on the corridors identified during the joint subcommittee meeting of December 9th.

4.. Open forum.

5. Adjourn.

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