Valley Center High School needs community panelists for “Senior Presentation Days,” which happens June 1 & 2 on campus.
Seniors have spent most of this semester working on their senior portfolios for this presentation, which includes essays on post secondary goals, writing reflection, a Powerpoint on their career choices, and other items. As a panelist you will have the opportunity to evaluate their presentations using a grading rubric.
The presentations are less than ten minutes long, with a five-minute Q&A following.
According to Craig Adams of VCHS, who oversees the program, “We at VCHS believe that your participation as a businessperson, community member, or parent will give the students a better perspective as to how they may evaluated in a professional job interview situation.”
The emphasis on public performance and written documentation of student work provides a more “formative” kind of accountability for seniors, said Adams.
The students will discuss their perspective on education, their courses of study, present their accomplishments of the school’s “Expected School-wide Learning Results” and share their goals and objectives as they go from high school to college and the real world.
“Senior Presentation Days” will be Wednesday and Thursday, June 1 & 2, 7:30 a.m. –2:07 p.m. Each day there are three block periods of about 2 hours each. Seniors will be interviewed during their English class time in eight different rooms, with three panelists per room.
“Even a commitment to just ONE block period will be helpful,” said Adams. “Of course, we would appreciate it if you could stay longer!” A continental breakfast and complimentary lunch will be provided to all panelists.
To participate, email Socorro Ruiz at, or phone her at 760-751-5598. You may also FAX your information to 751 -5506.
The school asks that you sign up no later than Friday, May 27 so they can make the schedule.
They need your name, address, email and phone number to send you the day’s procedures and format so you can familiarize yourself with the process.