Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Importance of House Numbers for Emergency Vehicles

In the case of an emergency, such as a fire or medical aid, a difference in minutes can mean the difference between life and death. Fire fighters are equipped with many tools to help improve their arrival time. One of these tools is a detailed map of their designated area(s). However, house numbers are imperative for a quick reference. The more camouflaged and hard to find the numbers are, the longer it will take emergency personnel to arrive at the scene. VCFPD encourages citizens to check their address numbers on their residences to make sure they are clearly visible from the roadway. Anything you can do, such as cut back trees or place clearly visible house address numbers on your house, helps the fire department and emergency responders do their job more quickly and easily.
So you may be wondering, what are some of the requirements for house numbers? Here are some of the basic requirements:
• Approved numbers and/or addresses shall be placed on all new and existing buildings, and the numbers should be displayed on a gate post, fence, mailbox, or other appropriate place and at appropriate additional locations to be plainly visible and legible from the street or roadway fronting the property from either direction of approach. Numbers need to be a minimum of 4" high with a 1/2” stroke and in a contrasting color to their immediate background. Brass or bronze numbers are difficult to see in the day or nighttime. (CFC Section 505.1 ADDRESS NUMBERS.)
• All easements, which are not named differently from the roadway, from which they originate, shall have an address sign installed and maintained, listing all street numbers occurring on that easement, located where the easement intersects the named roadway. (CFC Section 505.3 EASEMENT ADDRESS SIGNS.)
• Cannot be obstructed by shrubs, trees, decorations, etc.

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