Wednesday, May 5, 2010

FREE Smoke Alarms, LED Nightlights

Throughout the year, the Burn Institute, community volunteers and members of the fire service take part in a collaborative effort to install FREE lifesaving smoke alarms for qualified seniors in San Diego County.

New for 2010: The Burn Institute has partnered with SDG&E to provide FREE energy-saving LED nightlights to each senior household (while supplies last).

To qualify for the Burn Institute’s Senior Smoke Alarm Program, seniors must be 55 years or older, own their own home and live within San Diego County.

The Burn Institute is taking reservations for May and June installations
(Note: Installations are performed monthly throughout the year)

Did you know that having a working smoke alarm in your residence decreases your chances of dying in a house fire by 50% percent? Yet, thousands of seniors throughout San Diego County live in homes without a working smoke alarm. National safety statistics confirm that adults 65 and older are two times more likely to die in a house fire than any other segment of the population -- and for those older than 75, the risk nearly quadruples. One way that seniors can improve their chances of escaping a home fire is to make sure they have a working smoke alarm.

The Burn Institute’s Senior Smoke Alarm Program is available to seniors year-round. Installations are booked on a first-come, first-served basis.

Slots fill-up quickly -- call now! Gwen Lammers at 858-541-2277 x13 , or Find out more at

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