The North County Inland Regional Leadership group, which used to be called the "tribal forum" is collection of people (Larry Glavinic and Terry Van Koughnett are a couple of them) who like to think about ideas, as opposed to thinking about people and personalities. Whether their ideas will ever come to anything is for you (the collective you, not necessarily you the person reading this post right now) to decide.
They meet quarterly. They are holding their next meeting on July 16.
Read about it below:
How to Avoid Stupid Growth
The Intelligent Approach to Sustainable Development
Sustainability of commercial and residential development projects is the key to long-term economic success for communities. Too many projects are designed for a quick return on investment without considering the future health of the local communities. In challenging economic times, and with an aging population and multi-generational transfer of wealth, long-term sustainability is a critical consideration in designing and evaluating every development project.
But what are the barriers to sustainability? Are the regulatory bodies adversaries or partners? Sustainability brings continued tax revenue while promoting continued growth and economic health, so cooperation will benefit everyone. So, how can we create a win-win situation? How can infrastructure be developed to promote mobility and stability? How can we cooperate with government to enhance our future?
The North County Inland Regional Leadership is hosting a forum to address these important issues. On July 16th a panel of business leaders will discuss the issues, opportunities, challenges, and barriers to sustainable growth. Join us for this important event.
San Pasqual Tribal Community Hall
Thursday, July 16th, 6pm to 8pm
27518 S San Pasqual Rd
Valley Center, CA 92082
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