Thursday, October 25, 2007


This morning residents of Skyline Ranch mobile home park, all of them seniors, were banging on the gates at the park, trying to get in.

According to the authorities, the seniors, who have been staying at the Valley Center High School evacuation center, decided that they had had enough, and piled into cars to try to return home.

Problem is, according to Sheriff's Lt. Sean Gerrity, that area still isn't safe. Also, the management of the park isn't ready to let people back in.

"Skyline is still in a precarious area," said Gerrity.


Anonymous said...

Does anyone know when the schools will resume? Does the area have power and safe water? Please feel free to email me directly here:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your information. You have told us more about Valley Center than any of the news stations. Do you know if any of the homes have been damaged in Skyline Ranch. We have a home there. You can contact me at

Anonymous said...

I think many of us have reached that "had enough" point and are ready to return home. Especially those of us in those areas that are not threatened at all, e.g., those that live of off Old Castle. In my opinion, the longer they make people wait, the less likely people are to evacuate next time, especially, when those of us in VC have had little info coming our way. Thank you for providing the little info we did get.

Anonymous said...

We live in Skyline Ranch and evacuated to our son's in Temecula. I read the posting on the blog re Skyline. Why is Skyline still considered "precarious?" Is it because of fires in Hellhole Canyon, the Palomar fire in general, or what? I certainly hope there are MANY fire personnel up on Paradise Mountain since the area is still considered "precarious." Sharon

Anonymous said...

School is Monday. Parts of VC are without power. I did not leave, I have not lost power. I know the betworth and miller areas have power. Water is fine.

Anonymous said...

Skyline Ranch...I have been in VC all the time and have been up to Paradise Mt. and over to Kiavo to be a looky-loo. for friends in that area. Paradise Mt. has never been (to my knowledge) closed off. There was smoke in Hell Hole but what had come up the hill had only burned a little chaparral. There was a long line of fire & water trucks parked on Kiavo down to Santee. I saw no flames, just smoke. No houses burned. Fire people seemed to be really on the job. The fire that came up over Yellowbrick Rd. seemed to be stopped at Yellowbrick. Again, just chaparral burned, no houses, the same at Sunset & Vesper. I have friends who live on the ridge overlooking the Guejito. They say, nothing is happening in that direction & they have been there the whole time. At 3:00 p.m. I'm seeing more cars coming over the grade...maybe it's open??

Anonymous said...

Hi all, live on Paradise Mountain and did not evacuate. Took a drive around the mountain at 11 this morning and all at Skyline is well. There are still spot fires in Hellhole. Drove up to the parking lot of HCOSP and saw a copter taking stock of the various smouldering spots. Winds have picked up again and are erratic. I feel the major concern is that if they are unable to keep the hot spots from errupting they don't want to have to do a door to door evacuation in the dark. Last time they came through it was 11 a.m. Many houses along the canyon have yellow tape on the gates to indicate the home has been evacuated.

Folks, I know you're frustrated but please stay where you are for the moment. I'm sure I'll get grief from someone who is upset that I never left but you also have to realize I have not slept for 4 days, we ran out of dog food 2 days ago, am almost out of food and I am caretaking the evacuated houses and animals in our neighborhood.

It is almost 4 pm now and the smoke is picking up again. I've seen a number of fire and water trucks heading up the mountain. Let the emergency folks beat the fires down so you have homes to come back to. Every second they spend knocking on a door is a second they take away from putting the spot fires out.

BTW, the National Guard is patrolling as well. They have guys sitting on the gun turrets and are just trying to do their jobs too. Please be nice to them, they are making sure goobers are not looting.

Thanks and God bless us all.

Anonymous said...

At last report to school staff, school is tentatively set to open on Wed. Cleaning was to begin Fri., staff meeting on Tues., students on Wed., if all goes well. Dave, perhaps you can verify this as the latest info. The sign at the high school hasn't been changed yet.