Here's a report from Justin, who is one of those residents who decided to disregard the evacuation notice:
"I have two homes in VC, and have stayed despite the evac - traveling
between the two during the week - Right now I'm in the woods valley
area and everything is fine. Yesterday we had a scare with a small fire
near Bates, but that was put out very quickly. My other home on the
North East side of VC is fine as well, as the firefighters have been
doing an outstanding job controlling the flames over by Yellow Brick
Rd. VC seems like a total ghost town, very rare when you see a vehicle
other than an official.... kind of like it was before the casinos came
in!Best wishes to all - and we pray for everyone to get through
Justin can you sneak up Paradise Mountain and tell us what you see??
I've just be told that the Jauregui family off Lake Wolford lost their home. Can anyone confirm?
friends that have stayed on the SP reservation say the fire is still in Hell hole and Paradise. The fireman are trying to hold it from coming through but they did blow the horn for everyone to evacuate but a lot of people are still up there. The Valley View casino was calling people this morning to come in to work???? How are they expecting people to come in when most people have been displaced and the roads are supposed to be blocked? They should stop worrying about the revenue and ask thier employees (which in large part) have been displaced to not WORRY about work until they can return home, just a thought Mr Lawson! Stay safe everyone. Thank you for this blog and keeping us informed since the news really is not much help
Dave, I hope your safe. Denise and I are at VC HS w/a lot of great volunteers.
Don't do it, Justin!
Justin, is the market open?
Well, from what I see in my home in the south part of Yellow Brick, Paradise is ok so far, the fire down there is struggling to go up Hellhole toward Paradise.
As far as here in Yellow Brick, the fire is long gone, but fire engines have been going up and down Yellow Brick and Fruitvale near the fire gate in the mid-morning.
The fire spread late yesterday morning just east of Yellow Brick about 3/8 mi. north of Fruitvale to roughly the large water tower on the big hill. No clue on houses burned, but it's clear that the damage is not too bad, minor damage here and there, it's looking like. The fire also, I heard, jumped Sunset Road early yesterday afternoon between Fruitvale and Vesper, but that firefighters stopped it.
The main concern it looks like is the top of Palomar and the bottom of the mountain in Pauma.
Hope this helps.
Thank you so much for the report. We would be totally in the dark if it weren't for you!
Thanks for good info! We live just East of the golf course and had heard about an hour ago that Bates Nut Farm was gone. That's only a couple of miles from our house, so we were really worried. Please keep posting things because it is so hard to get good info from radio, tv or newspapers.
I have friend who is calling in from Kiavo and Paradise Mountain. We evacuated and took her horses, she stayed behind to defend. She just called to say there was a flare up pretty bad at Hellhole, but neighbors used their own tankers they had and worked to put it out. They were all ready to finally give up and get out...but have decided to stay and their homes are OK so far.
dana :-)
PS David - I have a new column after watching Boxer on the news!!! UHG!!!!
A friend of mine used to live there in VC and he was unaware of the happenings. I was told Fat Ivers was burned down, any truth to that?
Does anyone have any information about the Arviso Moblie Home Park, it is about 50 yards east of Survival Systems and the Bus stop for the schools is called the Rincon Day Care?
I went for a little drive after the first couple of responses! I tried going south on Lake Wolford Rd, but they had it blocked off. I then went up Paradise Mtn Rd....all the way to what seemed to be the end...(it split off a couple directions) I didn't see any homes on fire, or ones that were caught on fire...only a couple hot spots. There was a lot of smoke in the distance, over whatever mountains that are behind Paradise Mtn. A couple fire officials were driving around watching the area. There was also about 8 SDG&E trucks parked at the Paradise/WV/LW intersection.
I then drove over to Yellow Brick Rd, and like someone already commented, there's no fire anywhere in sight - and again I didn't see any homes that were burnt. The fire did come up to the street but didn't jump it (only at one spot, but it was very min) I didn't even bother going towards where my other house is, as that entire side seems very much under control.
Someone commented about Bates being burnt down.... I just drove by, and it's still there! I didn't see anything on Woods Valley at all....other than I was told there was a small fire NEAR Bates last night, but it was quickly put out.
The fire really got close to Valley View Casino, even jumped LW Rd and got very close to the casino and homes nearby. The firefighters got it under control very quickly yesterday.
I did notice a lot of Mediacom trucks up by their plant - getting our cable back up with generators - and after just checking, it's back up!
This is just as of about 20 minutes ago....but anything can change at any minute... so really all we can do is wait.
Hope all is well!!!!!
Also, Yes, the VC Market is open! I think Papa Bears was open too.
Does anyone know anything about the Arviso Mobile Home Park? It is about 50 yards northwest of Survival Systems and right across the street from the Rincon Day Care bus stop.
Looking for info or status fire at the corner of Lake Wohlford and Valley Center, heard from family in the area that there is a flare up very active there right now,south of Valley View???????
Responding to the two questions above... Fat Ivors didn't burn down (again)...and there's no new fires near Valley View casino (as of 4pm & 4:45pm)
Have there been any Bill Horn sightings? We have been out of communications since we left VC late yesterday afternoon, but never saw him at any of the press conferences prior to that. We are not surprised at the lack of info on what's happening in VC, just disappointed. We sure got quick info on addresses destroyed in RB but can't even find out where the fire actually is in our area.
Thanks for the great updates from you and the other bloggers!
justin-you are so wonderful. thank you so much. We left our house on woods valley, on monday morning. Info on valley center is so hard to find. And just like the last fire rumors are everywhere! Please continue reporting, but please be safe! Godspeed!
Around 5pm, we had four very large fire planes fly overhead towards the Poomacha Fire. Also, earlier this afternoon about a hundred military, border patrol and US Marshals arrived and joined the Sheriff and Highway Patrol to patrol our town. Thanks for keeping our town safe!!!
Could anyone give us an update on the fire over by Lake Wolford???
Just got word from my husband out in Rincon. 61 structures from Mazzetti's Garage south to the Turner's place were burned down. The mobile home park by suvival systems is all intact! Yea! Some small flare ups and spotting of looters are keeping my man and the locals who stayed behind busy tonight. Bless all and hope to see you all soon back in Rincon!
Actually Valley View Casino was not calling employees in to work for the normal casino operations. We are all working, as we did during the Cedar fire, to provide free food to fire and emergency personnel. Once again, Valley View has been the only casino to offer free hot meals to those who serve our community. Firefighters told us that Casino Pauma had been offering them half priced meals , which is ridiculous.
We recently packed meals for 20 out of state firefighters who were battling the blaze on Paradise Mtn. Road. They stated that their goal was to prevent the fire from coming all the way down the hill onto Paradise Mountain Road. Living on Paradise myself the fire is still burning in the Hellhole area and on the mountain behind Paradise. There has been an extensive amount of firefighters and trucks in the entire Paradise Mountain Area and I am not aware of any homes lost.
Before people make assumptions about Valley View we are closed to the public until at least Friday and continue to proudly do what we did during the Cedar Fire and that is we are choosing to work to provide good, hot meals to the hard working men and women who are working countless hours and days to protect our homes.
Also as of early this afternoon, and I was informed by firefighters eating here at Valley View, that today they began extensive air support. And as of approximately 4pm the first two aerial water dumps were made in the Paradise/Hellhole area.
Hi, this is Linda Jauregui and I am writing to confirm that yes, we lost our home in the wee hours last night. It came over the Geujito in a firestorm and my husband couldn't stop it. Lost everything, even our pets, who insisted on hiding in the house. Donna and Peter Jauregui also lost their home, Matt and Valerie Jauregui lost two homes (they were in the process of building), John and Crystal Culver lost their home, and Jessica and Derik Perkins lost theirs. Five other neighbors that I know of also lost their homes. All people are safe and accounted for but we all have a long road ahead.
Thank you Linda for letting us know about the Mobile Home Park next to survival systems, my kids were very worried about our house. And thank your husband and the local law enforcement who are watching our proptery while we cannot. God Bless all of you!
Thank you Valley View for taking care of our fire fighters. They took good care of those of us over by Yellow Brick that thought we were going to get it again.
Can anyone verify if any houses by, and especially below, the fire station by the middle school got burned or damaged? I am checking on the Roaches, the Overtons, the Wooleys and others that got burned last time. I keep hearing rumors that some houses were lost there, but no one driving by has noticed any damage. Thanks.
Way to go Valley View! You actually have employees working and helping those who are most in need right now...the firefighters and law enforcement. Shame on Pauma! What about Harrah's??? I was there with my family for 5 hours Tuesday morning and the only employees I saw were 3 young people manning the front desk and they didn't know anything. Other than they would not let us pay for a room. My girls were getting sick from the smoke and they said that since they were on a generator they couldn't have any air conditioning or tv for news. My oldest daughter found a friend who had a room and went up to find that they had air and tv! 350 poeple, countless number of dogs roaming the casino floor(right now i hope the dogs did their duty everywhere)and NO casino employees. At 8am housekeeping came in. Then they said that there was food in the Pavillion, that lasted for about 100 people. Obviously this large corporation has no real feeling or ties to Valley Center other than $$$. I hope that they will step up and do what is right by the firefighters and law enforcement since they let the Rincon citizens down. I received a notice from Rincon Tribe that if we needed to evacuate that we were to go to Harrh's, i figured thay would take care of us. Guess I figured wrong. Shame.
The Wooley's home is fine. It appears the Roaches' home is also fine. I don't know the Overtons so I can't answer that.
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