Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Palomar Fire Chief George Lucia provided the following briefing this morning:

Update as per this morning briefing:
Yesterday's proposed backfire to be done in the wilderness area (Aqua Tibia) division Q was not done due to bad weather conditions.

They will try again today so there may be fire and smoke visible from the north side of Palomar Mountain.

All fire units assigned on top of Palomar Mountain will remain in place due to the Santa Ana Weather event predicted for this weekend.

The Fire remains heavy and dangerous. Re population of the Palomar Mountain residential neighborhoods is a top priority and not contingent on electricity.

It is only when the roadway's are safe and repairs and any fire danger has passed (new winds could start a hot spot into a unburned area).

We are making many plans and provisions for the return of the Palomar Residents such as large 30 yard containers for spoiled foods at 3 neighborhood locations. These spots will include plastic bags, gloves and disinfectent.

The Red Cross is set up on the helipad and will feed everyone with hot meals for as long as we need.

The Palomar Mountain Volunteer Fire Department continues the fire patrols in our local residential neighborhoods 24/7 to watch hot spots and security.

The work on Hwy 76 may be complete by Wednesday and Cal Trans understands the need to open that route.

Anyone who must return due to business (livestock-operations) may get a pass from the SDSO.
Please do not abuse this privilege.

Thank you everyone for your understanding and support.
My cell phone is on for anyone who has a specific concern.

George E. Lucia Sr.
Fire Chief
Palomar Mountain Fire Department
SD Station 97 (CSA 110)

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