Sunday, October 28, 2007


Here is the latest bulletin from Palomar Fire Chief George Lucia:

"The Poomacha Fire is 50% contained and has burned 49,150 acres

Today crews will focus on continued structure protection and perimeter.. Control lines have been tied in to the Witch Fire, and are holding this area. The firing operations within branch 1 and 2 are complete (East Grade)
Mop up and patrol is underway within the valley areas (east grade/ hwy. 76).
The area around Pauma Reservation and Palomar Mountain are still active with fire and mop up will continue.
Fire behavior is expected to be moderate today.
The fire is within the Aqua Tibia Wilderness, and control operations within this area are difficult given the steep terrain and inaccessible.
Riverside County will see significant smoke.

The fire started during the morning of October 23.

The cause of the fire continues to be under investigation.

There have been 18 minor injuries.

The fire is 50% contained

The fire has destroyed an estimated 136 homes.

No structures have been destroyed at the mountain top including webber ranch, Nate Harrison complex and the PCCC/6th grade school.

Over 2,123 fire personnel are assigned to this incident.

Fire and Law officials are continuing to assess the roads and infrastructures so that residents can return home soon and be safe.

A military marine wing support squadron has arrived as per the original plan and is supporting control efforts with a heavy equipment module which includes 4 D-10 dozers, and other support equipment.
There are 10 fixed wing aircraft assigned to the incident.
There are 13 helicopters assigned to the incident.

The Palomar Mountain continues to be off limits and please cooperate and stay out of the way.

If you must return due to a necessary business (live stock- water-crops) please get a pass from the SDSO / CHP for this purpose only.

We are almost there !!!
Hang on, everyone has been great."

George E. Lucia Sr.
Fire Chief
Palomar Mountain Fire Department
SD Station 97 (CSA 110)

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