4:45 Tuesday
The state reaction team and command team is setting up at VC Community Hall as darkness falls on Valley Center, where daylight never really arrived today.
The team, which will coodinate all of the fire-fighting activities in the area, will also set up a staging area on the water district property across Lilac from the community center.
The most commonly asked question for this blog and to the fire department is: “When can I return to my home?”
The short answer is that no one knows at this time. As of now they are not letting anyone back in.
VC Fire Board Pres. Mel Schuler told The Roadrunner a few minutes ago “At this time they are not letting anyone back into Valley Center and probably won’t until they get full containment. We’re not going to know when that’s going to be. I’m sure the command team will make that decision when it’s safe.”
They could know something better tomorrow morning. There will be a command briefing for the media probably several times a day beginning tomorrow.
Killing rumors: The middle school, nor any major structure in Valley Center HAS NOT BURNED DOWN.
The fire did get over to the VC Fire Station 73 on N. Lake Wolhford Road & VC Road, but nothing major has burned down. There were some spot fires, according to Schuler.
Thank you for the information again. My family is safe where we are which is NOT in Valley Center and we will stay put until further notice.
Thanks again, you've been our only link to our home.
Are all areas of Valley Center under evacuation? I live off of West Lilac and Circle R and haven't heard anything as of 5:41 p.m.
I too want to thank you for this information. This is the only real information I have been able to get from VC. We just moved to VC 3 weeks ago and I have found that the people in the area are so kind and there is such a sense of community. Hopefully this will be over for all of us soon.
Thank you for posting!!
We evacuated this morning at 5:30am, and keep hearing that the fire may have reached our home near Yellow Brick & Callejo Feliz Terrace.
If anyone has information, please post!!
Thank you. My sister in boston found this link from a tv report. What a life saver. I'll be checking back often!
We're grasping for information here in Boise, ID. My Mom (73) & Grandmother (94)were evacuated from Hilldale Rd. to VC High School this morning at 6am. We have heard nothing since. My grandmother is a blind hospice patient on oxygen. None of us know what to think, we thought we should have had a call by now. Are they sending the infirm to area hospitals? If so, where?
The pharmacy will try to open as soon as we can get up there. If you have problems or are in need of assistance please call Bob or Jacquie at Community Pharmacy of Escondido at 760-743-6300 beginning at 8:30 am Wednesday morning.
I agree. This is the ONLY thing out there on VC that is reliable and accurate. WE too are on the W end VC, W Lilac and Circle R and I have called twice to confinrm and they advise no evacuation so far. Thank God, and best of luck to our towns people.
You have been a huge help with your blog. What an amazing community service! We evacuated at 5am this morning and have been worried sick about friends. Your blog is the only information about valley center. Its accurate and reliable. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Does anyone know if Cole Grade Road has fire? 80 year old uncle lives off Mill Creek and he has gone to Pala Casino to stay...was evacuated this am. Trying to find out for him about his home.
Any updates on Valley Center? My parents live on Banbury Dr and left the area yesterday. Thanks!
Any news on Lilac near the Old Lilac Ranch (Mesa Verde/Keys Creek area)?
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