Thursday, October 25, 2007


I'm getting conflicting reports on the Bush thing. Apparently his jet left to go to Pendleton to be refueled, but he's still in the area. We'll see if he and the big guy end up here after all. I hear that the president's security people are annoyed that we know about his trip and that it's a 'breach of national security' to have it on the blog. Well, tough cookies!


Anonymous said...

I heard he landed because he can only take about 15 minutes of Fienstiens naggy voice. I would of just given her a parachute... or would I?

William Del Pilar said...

I just called the VC fire department and they told me as of 2:30 PM today (10/25/07) we are allowed back into Valley Center. Now let's just hope President Bush and the Governator's appearance at the high school doesn't create security issues in trying to get back in.

melsh said...

oh please, we are very happy for your blog or we wouldn't know anything.

besides sign on sd had this earlier:
President enroute to Kit Carson park
Posted @ 12:08 PM

President Bush is enroute to Kit Carson Park in Escondido where he will meet with some of the first responders.
At an earlier stop in a Rancho Bernardo neighborhood, he was asked a questison about comparing this disaster to Katrina.
"I'm thinking about people whose lives are turned upside down. The experts can try to figure out whether the response was appropriate or not," he said. "All I can tell you is when the governor calls, I answer his phone."
He also said: "There is all kinds of time for history to compare this response or that response.
"Those of us who are here from government, our hearts are right here with the Jeffcoat's (family),'' he said, referring to a family he visited.
-- Matt Hall

F. Wilson said...

The residents of Valley Center have obviously gone from evacuees to hostages. Mail service, businesses open, no fire danger, etc. We are now being kept away from our homes for possible photo ops and political gain. With the possible appearence of the President & Governor, I'm sure the thinking is that their security is better served with residents out of Valley Center. This is an outrage and a slap in the face to conscientious residents who evacuated immediately and in a orderly manner when asked to do so. As long as there has been the slightest fire threat, residents have respectfully stayed away, no matter the hardship. Now that it is clearly obvious that residents can safely return, we are told to stay away for reasons other than the fire. Maybe the the next Republican debate should be held in Valley Center prior to allowing anyone to return. All joking aside, what this is doing, should another fire situation occur, is to make residents think twice before leaving their homes. God forbid there is a next time, but should that happen, I for one will stay put.

June Owatari said...

Breach of national security? What's a terrorist going to do NOW during a fire?

J said...

I too am grateful for this blog - it has been quite a challenge to find out what is happening.
To the whiners on this blog - we are all tired and frustrated yet most of us have a home to return to sooner or later so let's refrain from the bashing and be thankful our lives and that most homes have been spared.