Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Lt. Sean Gerrity of the Valley Center Sheriff’s substation has deputy platoons patrolling various sectors watching for looting.
They are on the look out for anyone who is not in a properly marked vehicle. They will stop you and ask for ID to make sure you have business in the area.
There are reportedly some National Guard units patrolling in the area, although we have not been able to confirm that.


Anonymous said...

We also heard there is National Guard at the HS

Anonymous said...

At 8 this morning two national guard soldiers were at Old Castle Road and Champagne, they have been relieved by CHP officers. Officers are not allowing any vehicles to enter Valley Center by way of Old Castle Road.

Anonymous said...

Road block on Circle R Drive has been moved from Old 395 corner to the east at Red Hawk Rd. People who leave aren't getting back into the Circle R /West Lilac area. People on the west end of Circle R can go in and out. Road block is manned by CHP.

Unknown said...

Hi, David. Out of sight, but not out of mind, part of my heart still in VC so wanted to see how things are going. I am in the San Juan Islands (since mid-Aug) and the best news coverage I have is Fox News (cable) which has been good at covering the fire. (Geraldo is on now in east SD..Lyon's Valley.)I have Hidden Meadow friends staying in my house in San I know they are safe...but I am wondering if VC had any fire damage. Fox News just did an update from Palomar Mountain...but nothing on VC or Escondido. I think you have my email. Will be watching your always....thanks for being on top of your local news.
Be safe....Diana (Ostrander)De Paul

Anonymous said...

My husband is still in Rincon, helping with hot spots. Word is looters have been spotted. No national guard, just good ol' boys with their toys.