8:15 a.m. Wednesday
I just spoke to Mel Schuler, president of the Valley Center Fire Protection District board. He just got back from a briefing of the state CalFire authorities who have taken over control of the fire fighting activities here.
Schuler also took a drive of the threatened areas. "I did get out in the area a little bit today. I think they feel pretty good about the control on Valley Center. There’s some spot fires. They are feeling good about the Yellow Brick Road and the areas between Lake Wohlford and Woods Valley."
Some structures have been lost on the Guejito Road area, on Old Wagon Wheel Road. That area seems to always get hammered whenever there is a major fire.
There have also been an unknown number of structures that burned on the Rincon Reservation.
Schuler did not have any information available yet on individual structures lost. But he hopes to get some to us later.
Firefighting efforts have been assisted by the dying down yesterday afternoon and last night of the high winds.
The evacuation center at the high school is still operating.
Roads are still closed to incoming traffic.
One of the major issues is about keeping them closed until the actual threat is passed. "The issue is to keep those roads open and people off the roads so they don't get in the way of emergency vehicles. This is especially acute because of the road construction going on Valley Center Road.
"They can’t have people going up and down the roads while they have emergency equipment trying to get places. I suspect that once the roads are open they will be open permanently," said Schuler.
I'll have a separate posting on the situation on Palomar Mountain.
A briefing by CalFire officials at 10 a.m. should further clarify the situation.
Thanks again for such an accurate post of current conditions. Again, our family is very releaved.
David, I live in Rincon, behind Rincon Store. At the moment I am in Palm Springs, my husband is still there. At 8 am today he called and said that the winds had been bad since 3 am an that there was still burning to the East. Any info on this area?
Linda Chapp
any news on hell hole canyon?
any news on paradise mountain???
Linda, does your husband know if there was damage to the mobile home park by Survival Systems?
I just talked to someone who had contact with someone you stayed up on Paradise Mtn and she said that Hell Hole is on Fire but it is very spotty since there is not a lot of fuel.
I also talked with someone on Valley Center Rd west of Mac Tan and they are doing fine and it doesn't seem like anything is close to them at the moment.
Hopefully we will make it of this one
We were evac from VC on Monday at 4am.
Have you heard anything about when people will be let back in from escondido?
They made us go to escondido instead of vc high and our friends went to vc high and were allowed to return home.
I am worried because I had to leave my dog and I left food and water but I need to get back up there to feed and water her.
We left Harrah's at 9am to go back home (Harrah's was a horrible joke for an evac center)and there was damage near survuval systems area but could not see very well because of all the black smoke of tires burning at the "junk"? yard behind (?) the tribal school. Husband up all night and now catching a nap while a neighbor watches. I will ask him for info when he checks in and post. Bless all. Linda
I was wondering if any one has any information with Lilac Knolls road?
my sister lives there and I dont think they have let them back in.
Any information would help..
Thank you so much.
I live on Valley Center Rd. next to Terry's Auto and Valley Center Tire. I read that people who evacuated to Valley Center High School were allowed to go to their homes. Will I be able to get back to my house? I am at a friend's in Oceanside right now and would like to be home if possible.
For the person with the dog, I heard that you could possibly go back up if you give a good excuse when you get stopped. Your dog might be a good one. About where in VC are you located? I know people who are up there right now near Cole Grade and Miller. Alot of cops driving around. No fire or damage near there.
Rincon locals report that the mobil home park by survival systems is untouched! Linda Chapp
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