Here's further information from the County as to which areas residents are being allowed back into.
Valley Center residents and businesses may reenter the following areas of Valley Center (according to Thomas Brothers maps):
MP 1029- B-7, C-7, D-7, D-6, D-5, E-5, F-4, G-4, H-4, J-4
MP 1030: A-4, B-4, C-4, D-5, E-5, F-6, F-7, G-7, H-7
MP 1049: A-1, B-1,
MP 1050: H-1, H-2, J-2, J-3, H-4, G-4, F-5, G-5, G-6, F-6
MP 1051: A-4, B-5, C-6, C-7. D-7
MP 1071: E-1, E-2, E-3, E-4, C-4, D-5, D-6, D-7
MP 1091: D-1, C-2
The following areas will remain closed: Paradise Mountain/Skyline Ranch; Palomar Mountain; the Highway 76 corridor from the Pala area to Highway 79; the Rincon, Pala, La Jolla, Pauma and San Pasqual Reservations; the Lake Wohlford area.
Updated road closure and opening information
Lake Wohlford Road will remain open.
Cole Grade Road south of McNalley Road will be opened.
Lilac Road south of McNalley Road will be opened.
Highway 76 from just east of Highway 15 to highway 79 will remain closed.
What about Old Castle Road?
Dave, At 3:20p.m.--Ijust drove down the grade to look at the Lake Wohlford intersection. Cars were coming up the hill through the green light. Altho I could see a CHP car sitting on Lk. Wohlford, there was no one stopping people looking at ID that I could see (I turned around before I went through the interection.) From our CB office, a lot of people are turning on Woods Valley going in the direction of Paradise...?
Those map pages you got from the county emerg. site don't seem to match up with the open areas. Those pages include Pala, Rincon, Paradise, and don't include the N/S nodes nor E. VC including Yellow Brick.
The earlier notice said the west side of VC, but the latest one with Thomas Bros. map sections is mostly east side. I am on Tyler Lane, which is either 1050 or 1070, but my map book is in my house. Please advise and deconfuse us.
Guard is checking ID's on Old Castle.
Police have left the check point on Circle R Drive.
Sharon M asks, "When might Paradise Mountain Road be opened?" We are all anxious to get home and so thankful that we have a home to go to."
please let us know if anyone can get up to paradise mountain.
Does anyone know what's going on in the Lake Wohlford area? Is it still closed because of a hot spot or fire???
Dear David, I want to thank you for providing this site. I am in No. CA. and it just happens that my mother (who is from PVCC) is here visiting me. However, several of my family members (Denise McAndrews, Tom McAndrews, Dr. Joseph Nelson specifically) are still at the VC High school evac center. Other family members decided to leave when they got word the roads opened temporarily on Mon/Tues.
People at VC high are awaiting news as to which way they can go and when. This web blog has given me more info than any news at this point and has comforted my family here with news of my family's home areas.
I have attempted to get word out about Tom and Ardis Kemp needing help caring for the many horses that were evacuated to the Aerie Park Area. I understand that most of the horse owners left the area altogether. They have food for today, but are desperate for manure forks and the muscle to work them! You can only imagine how much horse poop can collect with 40+ horses. Tom, Ardis and their 3 children are tired and could sure use the help. I realize the roads may still be closed...but if you could put out the word it would be greatly appreciated!
Bear Valley Farm Supplies has done a great job to help! Many thanks to them and to others who have given so much.
Thanks again for your coverage!
Janell Seyer, Pleasanton, CA.
Myself and many others were able to come up the grade, turn on Woods Valley, and then at Paradise Mtn show our IDs and were allowed up. I'm not sure, but it appeared that drivers wanting to go towards Lake Wohlford were waiting for an escort as they were directed to wait turn onto Wohlford and then were waiting.
Old Castle Road Update:
CHP checking licenses for proof of residency at Old Castle and Champagne. No longer a checkpoint at Castle Crest.
Three helicopters (two w/ buckets & one with hose) making several runs from airflight road to????
Stay safe VC
I looked at the County Emergency website at There is an updated map showing the areas that are reopened as of 3:30 p.m. with Thomas Brothers map page numbers. The map shows that map page 1090 is okay to re-enter. That's the page that includes Woods Valley. That map page wasn't listed specifically in the re-enter notification.
I'm in LA and don't have a Thomas Brothers. Does anyone know if we can return to Woods Vallley Dev?
How often are the updates happening for the returning residents being able to go to their homes?
Old Castle Road must be open now because my neighbors on Wilkes, off of Old Castle have returned.
Anybody have any info on Old Castle Road?? I get the feeling this part of VC has been forgotten.
we are home on paradise mountain road...5pm october 25th
My mom got home through escondido to 1070 g7 fruitvale, said she didn't get stopped.
Paradise Mountain is open if you show the cops your ID. Just came down from there. You have to go up either Old Castle/Lilac roads or VC Rd. Lake Wohlford is being used for moving firetrucks, according to the CHP at intersection of Lk. Wohlford and Paradise Mtn/Woods Valley Rds around 5 pm.
Does anyone know how far ( east) on Paradise Mt Rd you can go?..any fire damage and if so beginning where?..thanks
David, I am looking for information about the Andersons who live on CA-76 at the old Fitch/Mendenhall Cuca Ranch. Are they OK and is the house still standing (more than just the walls, if you are from the area, you'll get the reference)
A fire has just been reported on
the CHP event system:
0882 6:09PM Structure or Grass Fire VALLEY CENTER RD AT N LAKE WOHLFORD RD
Though, there might be a mistake
in the area classification of the incident, since it says: "Oceanside" at the end.
We have been home since 5:30 p.m. in VALLEY VIEW RANCH off Mirar de Valle. Everything is fine here. Came up through Champagne Blvd. and Old Castle and had ID's checked by police.
Please realize that the word unincorporated also means unimportant. Welcome to the new Valley Center. Casinos account for 80% of the traffic here. Close them at the first sign of trouble then there will be no problem with traffic concerns.
Thanks for the updates on Old Castle Rd. Lilac Rd hopefully open.
I just want to say "thank you" for this blog. It has been the most helpful source of news regarding our town.
Thank you for providing udated information on VC. This was the only site I could find with updated information.
thank you for this has been great to know the our house was ok, even though we could not get up there.
to all you people who had to complain about not being allowed to go home, even with no fire up there...get over have a home to go to still, so be happy at that...even if you can't get there yet. for anyone who has lived in valley center for a long time you know that when a fire does get to town it hits the town fast...if they had to evacuate at that point, with the roads being as narrow as they are, and the fires always closing a couple ways out of all would have been just as mad at sitting on the road with a fire coming up behind you while the fire trucks could not get through.
i heard today that a couple of people almost did get hit by fire trucks because they could not pull over on the road far enough, but the truck needed to get through.
you made the decision to leave when you got the call, if it happens again the choice is yours, evacuate and trust the authorities in charge or stay and take the chance, but be reminded of the paradise fire four years ago when we did lose people because we were not given enough time to get out because it came so fast.
i am so disappointed in valley center and the complaints you have all left....we, thus far, have been lucky to have minimal damage, most of you have homes to go home to and knew it the whole time you were evacuated....think of all those people who had no idea at all and then went home to nothing..many of you have had that happen to before you complain about how horrible it was that you had to leave, why dont you think about why it was you had to leave and think about everyone else who sat at all the evacuation centers for days with no idea of what was going on...they didn't even have a computer to post a blog on and complain.
We are home without incident at Woods Valley Dev. Didn't even need I.D.
Friend that was staying with us went home to her house on Lake Wohlford.
I've been up to check on my parent's house off Yellow Brick - went up Mac Tan from Valley View Casino area - all clear and returned down Fruitvale thru town - all clear.
Wasn't able to get to a friend up Paradise Mountain...maybe tomorrow.
Hi . . This is not urgent as you will read. My grandmother's house, where I was practically raised,50 years ago, is off of Sunset Rd at Valley Center Rd. The property is on the east side of Sunset Rd. The last time I visited it had an orange grove to the south & east of the house and a couple of houses on the 20 acres surrounding her home. There is a swimming pool immediately to the east of the house. . the same side as the front door. I would like to know if this area of VC was or is in jeopardy of the fires so I can let the rest of my family know. We loved 'the ranch' & it would be nice to know its status.
Our sincere best wishes are with you all during this horrible crises. I hope whoever reads this finds their home habitable and can get back in very soon. Thank you for answering my question, if at all possible. Pamella B.
Welcome home Valley Center!
We are back, safe, with a home. Ready to help the local folk in need and to shower the local FD with praise and gratitude!
Thank you SO MUCH for this blog. We all appreciate all of the invaluable information that we have received.
Possible return to school on Wednesday, October 31.
This information can be found on the VCPUSD website:
Students and staff also received an automated phone call.
"Hello. This is Lou Obermeyer, Superintendent of Schools. I'd like to share information with you about next week and tentative plans for resuming school. We hope to begin cleaning schools on Friday and continue through the weekend and Monday. With the completion of the cleaning, staff will be asked to return to work on Tuesday and school will resume on Wednesday. Please note that these plans may change due to the fire conditions still affecting our community. I will continue to share updates with you and I hope that you and your family are safe."
there are red flames visible near the HS but no info.
why aren't they checking ids anymore? There are still check points, but they are just letting everyone by. I'm sure there are a lot of empty houses that are still vulnerable. We are glad we came home tonite instead of waiting. I felt better knowing that the police and guard were keeping a close eye on who was coming in and out, even if it made some people angry. Stop complaining everyone and be glad your ok.
Very well said about the complainers. Not knowing info. is exhausting and sickening. I live in PV east on the 76 and IF I have a house I still have to worry about theft from people coming in who don't belong or who stayed. I ran at 3:30am and I'm sure I didn't lock my door. Please watch out for your neighbors. I have always thought as VC & PV as one neighborhood and we need to stick together. Thank you David for this blog.
Thank-you so much for your information during these fires. I live in Canada,but grew up in the area, and my parents have a home in VC. This site was such a help.I live in a rural area with a sloooow computer and so many of the official sites were difficult to load. Your blog was quick, to the point, and very informative. I often seemed to have more info up here about the VC area fires, evacuations and road closures than my parents did with cellphones and radios in Borrego! Thank-you again
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