Wednesday, October 24, 2007


The Red Cross Evacuation Center at Valley Center High School needs packaged food and bottled water. Since no one is being allowed to go into Valley Center right now, I don't know exactly how this can be accomplished. But if you are already up there, or can get up there, or want to contact the local Red Cross, they can use your help.

Note: Our understanding is that the evacuation center is now being run by the Red Cross, altho it was run for the first few days by volunteers.


Anonymous said...

I just called the High School at 12:06 and they indicated there is no need up there. They are getting supplied just fine. They indicate they are even getting Trader Joes.

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable... I'm sitting here in Florida, listening to KOGO on the internet... and Barbara Boxer is addressing the crowd at Qualcom Stadium.

As she first started talking, she sounded like she was addressing a crowd at a hippie festival... and I half expected her at any moment to introduce Janice Joplin... but then she took an unprecidented turn, and blamed George Bush... Because if we weren't at war in Iraq, there would be more members of the National Guard to be here today to fight the fires... WTF?

I moved away from Valley Center, because I couldn't stand the mess the casinos had made of a once beautiful town... a town that now has more traffic than it was ever designed to live with, and will never be the same. Sitting in Florida, I feel better knowing that idiots like Barbara Boxer don't represent me any more...

It is a Fire for Christ's Sake Barbara... it is NOT an opportunity to stand on a soap box and blame George Bush. Get off the box, and help, or shut the hell up!

Anonymous said...

Just an interesting FYI. There were residential trash trucks out here this morning near Cole Grade and Miller.

FumoPhoto said...

I have heard you may be able to go up West Lilac via Circle R, then Lilac to VC Rd....Is this true? If so, VCHS evac. center can get some supplies.

Anonymous said...

We wish that we could help, unfortunately without being able to get up there our hands are tied, yet again! It is just about impossible to get any information up there and it is to the point of anger, and frustation. We were told early this morning that we maybe able to get back around noon but still again, NO word. Is there any updates at all??????? Desperate to get home!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

1:20pm The gas station on the corner of VCR and Cole Grade is open and a truck just filled their tanks.

melsh said...

Husband had to leave to get me emergency medication & almost did not make it back in. He had to go through 2 checkpoints (castle creek way in) and they said if you leave again you can not come back no matter what.

And on another note Barbara Boxer is a word I am sure you wouldn't want to print here.

melsh said...

confirmed gas station open at 2:15.