You asked for specifics, you got it! Mel Schuler, president of the fire board, tells me that firefighters dealt with spot fires in Hellhole Canyon and contained spot fires that jumped the line on Yellow Brick Road.
A two acre fire across from Bates Nut Farm on Woods Valley Road was contained and stopped.
The folks at the evacuation center at Valley Center High School will be there at least for tonight. We keep hearing that Red Cross is uncomfortable with there being an evac center this close to the fire. Of course, the evac center isn't being maintained by the Red Cross, but by volunteers.
They are letting people leave the center (there's over a thousand of them, I'm told) but once gone, they won't be let back in. The authorities hard hard road blocks at the bottom of all exits out of town. You leave, you gone for the duration.
You can get out of town on Lilac Road, the Grade, and Hwy 76 to I-15 north.
I'm a little frustrated that I can't get any information on whether the fires are moving up to the top of Palomar Mountain or not. So, like all of you, I'm waiting for info about my home.
Good luck and stay safe.
I guess in the end while it was safer to leave, we would have been fine staying. Now without a way back up and Escondido's centers tight, it's going to be a long night. Can't complain but would be nice if they let people back up the grade if the fire's not anywhere but in one spot.
I am a resident of Palomar Mountain and know people that are currently up at the Observatory. The fire is about to crest at the State Park near the County Road Station and the volunteers are hoping to hold it off there. It is coming up the South Grade but has not made it to the top yet. They say that no houses have been burned and they are trying to keep it that way. That is all I know, I hope it helps!
I'm in the US Marine Corps, My family is off of Hilldale rd. Any word on how close they are to the fires?? Please help because they are not calling back?
From my hilltop vantage point in the Old Castle/Wilkes area I'm watching as 5 to 10 cars per minute are being turned back at a roadblock on Old Castle at the top of the hill. Evidently there are many residents who weren't aware that they couldn't return to VC tonight. Reliable information has been hard to come by today. The County and State officials taking turns patting each other on the back during their press conferences might want to take a closer look at their emergency preparedness, particularly with regard to getting information to the citizens. The Cal Fire website crashing due to heavy traffic is inexcusable. The San Diego television newscasts were of little help either. Grandstanding news anchors and repeated confirmation that things were fine in Del Mar didn't give me much comfort that there wasn't a fire poised to leap over Red Mountain into my back yard.
ps Thanks for the blog. You have provided some much appreciated clarity on a smoky day.
thanks dave, keep up the good work, several of us may be depending on you for info.
we are staying up in Temecula and not getting any fire info to speak of about vc.
Thanks Dave, for letting those of that left town what is going on. It is a little frustrating watching local news, they somehow do not know Valley Center exsits! I watched hours of coverage in Lake Hodges and Rancho Santa Fe without one mention of VC. Anyhow, I will be checking back often for more information! Thanks again!
We drove back into VC via Circle R/West Lilac Tues. evening
Thank you so much for the blog! If you think the local news is bad try relying on the 24-hour nationwide stations to tell you anything. I live in Chicago with my parents in VC, and have found this blog to be the only news that doesn't crash, lock up or dramatize and blow hot air. Kudos from the Midwest!
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