The state legislature is considering banning the use of cell-phones in cars by those 18-years-old and younger. Normally, I hate the kind of nanny-state legislations that this Democratic legislature is famous for. But I think they are on to something here. I would take it a step further and make it illegal for those who are 18 or under to even USE a cell phone except in an emergency.
"But Dave, don't you think that kids have rights?" Generally speaking, no, I don't, and since one of the things that we try to do for children is instill in them an appreciation for culture and gracious living and getting along with others, as well maybe occasionally picking up a book, the first place to start is for them to start paying attention to people who are talking to their face!
The plague of children, particularly teenagers, constantly on the phone with each other is one of the banes of modern civilization. Children will pay more attention to their friends on the cell phone than they do to people who are physically standing in front of them. This is a plague that should be stamped out mercilessly. Then we go after young adult women who talk on cell phones while they are crossing the street.
Personally, I'm always harping on my kids even though they are adults now about this- especially to NOT text while they drive. I email them the horror stories I find about kids who were killed or killed other people because they were texting.
"Children will pay more attention to their friends on the cell phone than they do to people who are physically standing in front of them." How true - or driving in front of them!
"women who talk on cell phones while they are crossing the street."- how about blue tooth users in stores & restaurants? I took my 83 yr old Mom to the doctor the other day and a lady with her little boy across from us in the waiting room was talking loudly on her bluetooth. My Mom said, "I feel so sorry for that little boy with a mother who talks to herself like that".
Ha! As if kids are the only ones that need to be smacked for overusing cell phones! It's not even the Bluetooth-wearing crowd that mamadonna mentioned. Oh, how many times I've been knocked over or blocked by some rude businessmen on their PDA or cell! And that's just walking around! People do this crap while driving too?!
I think the under-18 using cell phones in the car is actually a pretty good idea. Haven't they been talking about this for a few years now?
We already restrict new, minor drivers from carrying around friends for the first 6 months (or is it a year?), well, cell phones are just as distracting, if not more.
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